Mood Disorders
Abnormal Psychology Resources

Pendulum Resources A portal for Bipolar Disorders

CANMAT Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments - is an extensive, cohesive network linking healthcare professionals from across Canada who have a special interest in mood and anxiety disorders. The ultimate goal of CANMAT is to improve the quality of life of persons suffering from mood and anxiety disorders, through its combined efforts in research, education, public awareness and policy development.

UBC Dept Of Psychiatry The Division of Mood Disorders is an academic division in the Department of Psychiatry and the main activities are centered in the Detwiller Pavilion at UBC. The members of the division are actively involved in providing clinical services, teaching in both the undergraduate and the residency program and a wide range of research activities. They also sponsor conferences and forums to educate family physicians, psychiatrists, mental health professionals and the public on the issues of Mood Disorders.

Mental HealthNet - Depression Covers Symptoms, Research, Treatment , Online Resources , Online Support and Organizations.

Medscape Psychiatry Comorbidity of Anxiety and Depressive Disorders and Complex Clinical Interface Between Mania, Hypomania, and Depression.