Somatoform and Dissociative Disorders
Abnormal Psychology Resources

The Spectrum of Dissociative Disorders: An Overview of Diagnosis and Treatment The dissociative spectrum (Braun, 1988) extends from normal dissociation to poly-fragmented DID. This web site talks about its diagnosis and treatment.

Factitious Disorder Dr. Marc Feldman's Munchausen Syndrome, Factitious Disorder, & Munchausen by Proxy

Munchausen by Proxy- Louisa J. Lasher's Web Page on a Dangerous kind of Abuse

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome A debilitating medical condition, chronic in nature, cause - unknown, diagnosis - by exclusion, no known verified test, treatment - by relief of symptoms, life style changes, and occasionally time. The following list of information links is a starting place for a great exploration. It is the purpose of this space to provide an introduction to CFS.

Conversion and Somatization Disorders Vanderbilt Medical Center's Adolescent Medicine .